Friday, May 4, 2012

What video cards are compatible with my motherboard?

This is my motherboard

What video cards are compatible with it? And where do I put an external video card?

I need a decent video card that would meet the requirements of some if not all online games. Like 128mb and up.|||exturnal video cards are very rare ansd stupid, low qualidy, no reson to get an exturnal one. your board has 3 pci slots. any pci video card wil fit. You also have an amr slot, but even thoguh i have built 100 if not 1000s of computers, i've never heard of that on. Looks like an apg slot, could be a tyypo. I personaly would get the best radion card you can afford, they give you a lot of bang for you buck.|||Ah, AGP, so woe be you. Thankfully, ATI has been really kind to people with AGP in an attempt to fill niche markets, and you can enjoy the relative brawn of an HD3850. There's also some more pedstrian options fast enough for WOW. The 45$ X1950XT is old and power hungry, but a monster for 45$ or so. At 48$ for the 6800XT, it may also be a good deal if you have a nice power supply. To decide between this plethora of options, set a price limit and read benchmarks. There's other options, too, but these cards offer good values and don't include some of the real gutless offerings like X1050s and 6200s.






Pertaining to what Cody said:

PCI is deathly slow and has nothing much better than a Geforce 6200. No fun, none at all. The AMR slot is an acronym for audio modem riser, and thus will assuredly not take a video card.

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