Monday, May 7, 2012

Can you install 2 video cards and use both there video RAM to get more video memory?

Basically I want to connect 2 video cards to get more memory to run games better.

I bought a computer for 20 bucks that was better than my old computer and just needed a hard drive. So I took my old hard drive out and put it in there. I also had a Radeon 9200 128MB in my old computer, which was better than the 64MB Radeon 7500 in the one i bought.

So it came to my mind that maybe i can use a dual video card setup, not to have 2 monitors with the same display, but to use both there video RAM to have, in this case, 192MB of total video RAM. What do you guys think?|||…

Yes you can if you have the right ones and the right system board.|||IF your motherboard will support 2 cards. Check that out before you buy. Some do, most don't.|||No, you can't.

The other people's posts are misleading.

Motherboard that support Crossfire and SLI costs at least 200$. I'm quite sure the motherboar you have right now doesn't have that.

Also the Radeon 9250 is an AGP video card. There are no AGP slots that are SLI or Crossfire capable.

Also, you need to have the SAME video card in order to use SLI/Crossfire. Using different brands will not work.

Besides, how can you put the two video cards and you can't even plug both of them in the same computer?|||Not possible. Those graphics cards work independently. Dual video cards are only possible with something similar to SLI which connects two identical cards (for nVidia graphics cards).|||To add to what others have said, you can also run two ATI video cards, if supported by your motherboard. ATI refers to it as Crossfire. It is similar to Nvidia's SLI.

This is usually only possible in newer motherboards with the proper BIOS and hardware. Chances are your $20 board doesn't support either.

You get what you pay for.|||see if it has SLi interface. then you can connect them together. old pcs dont really have sli compatible parts so youd have to buy like...60 bucks worth of parts. just build a new one if u can|||The only games you will run better with a $20 computer and 2 Radeon video cards 64mb or 128mb, are Hearts and Solitare.|||as far as i know you cannot use two video cards at the same time. you just have to choose which one you're gonna use. if you put in an agp video card (assuming you're using its built in video card), the computer will automatically disable the built-in video card & use your agp. if you you're using agp & you plan on using the pci-e slot the computer won't even start up coz of the conflict between the two video cards.|||In order to set it up the way you describe, you will need a new motherboard which supports the SLS configuration. These Motherboards are set up specifically to do this. You will also need SLS compatible video cards as well. I know the old Voodoo cards had a way to piggy back each other for a similar result but I am not familiar with any video cards that are like this anymore.

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