Friday, April 27, 2012

Multiple video cards on same PC, two different OS?

I have a Sun Ultra 24 work station running Solaris 10. The computer has two hard disks. One disk runs Solaris and the other runs Windows XP.

I use Solaris for pretty much everything except gaming. I installed XP for the sole purpose of being able to play 3D intensive games only. However, my current video card is not so great for that (NVIDIA Quadro NV 290).

I wanted to know if it would be safe to install an additional video card I have laying around (GeForce 8800 GT).

I pretty much plan to use the new card for Windows XP and use the Quadro for Solaris. I am just not sure if it will damage my hardware by having both cards plugged into the motherboard.

The other alternative is to upgrade the quadro card but I am still a novice at Solaris and it will take me a while to figure out how to install the driver etc. not to mention that it will also be more expensive since I do not have to buy new video card.

Thanks look forward to your replies|||Most Linux default setup cares only NVidia upgrading to a better NVidia or ATI to a better ATI, it might be true as well for Solaris, 2 cards non-SLI or non-CF can coexist in one machine but XP can use one of them only. Learn to have Solaris use the 8800 card and get rid of that OpenGL card unless you are a working professional.

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