Sunday, May 6, 2012

Need help with video cards?!?!?!?

i am currently wanting to buy a new computer i am thinkg something with 2gb and around ( i forgot if it was 300 gb or 400 lol ) but but but BUT! i dont know much about video cards so....i need to know whats good?

i like playing video ( hitman ? ) and i want a good one so what do ppl recommend?|||Make sure that your computer (motherboard) accepts an pci express card and get the most expensive card you can afford.

Graphics are an inportant part of a gaming pc and the games are getting more demanding for better cards.

I've often gotten the most exspensive I could afford only to find out a year later I couldn't play some of the newer games.

Check out this web site for help in the forums.…|||online games dont require a huge amount of your GPU, so anything from a 256mb card and up. i would recommend something from Nvidia's 8 Series. they got a big range of DirectX 10 ready cards with SLI and all the goodies you would want. try for an 8600 512mb card, they run a little over 100 bucks.|||Wow this is a broad question youre asking pc is basically worked in three components processor, ram, hard drive think of them more like processor being you, computer will work as fast as you do Ram is table space having the ability to throw all the information out at once and look at it, and hard drive as draws of information that you can shuffle with the the desktop and not forgetting the operating system as well as some suck up an eternity of resource ! So it is not entirely videocard the easiest way to do this is go down to your local shop that would sell pc games read the box about specs and take it from there|||depends on what your motherboard supports and your price range

if you have the old-skool 4/8x pci slot i would reccomend this

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if you have the pci express x16 go for this



If you have the newest pci express 2.0 go for this card


]|||make sure it has a video card and not a video chip set|||if you play source engine games or say world of warcraft, get a 512MB Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT , it is very nice and very fast, but anything around that will be fine, make sure its got 512 MB of speed on it though and nothing less than a 8700 series, but for the 8800 series its gotta have a 425 watt power supply which u may need to upgrade to|||Check They have lots of cards and user reviews of cards.

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