What is the best I can do for about $300 in a video card solution? I prefer Nvidia, and I also do not like SLI.
I like Gaming.|||OK, for $300 you can get some nice cards. the GTX275 is the best choice for this situation. they can be found at http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductLis…
A lot of poeple think the 260 is the best card in this price range, adn about two weeks ago they would have beeen right, but the 275 is newer and about 15% better than the 260. you won't need to sli since that's what you are so apearnatly agains.
Hope this helps
EDIT: a quick note about the 285's they are nice, but if oyu could hold off for a while they will drop into your price range. also the two 9800GTX+ will not out perform one 285, sorry, they just can't.
Also to note, the 4870 is a nice alternative, but the 275 and 285 will beet it hands down. the 4870 si somewhere between the 9800GX2 and the GTX260|||http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as…|||playstation 2|||Go to toms hardware the have a whole crew of people that test and rate computer equipment.
Good Luck
www.tomshardwareguide.com|||currently u can get the gtx 285 for 330$ but ur aiming for a 300$ budget so u have to get the gtx 260 for 220$ (the OC'd ones). but what i really recommend is getting two 9800gtx+ 's beats gtx 285 for 100$ cheapter. thats if u have a sli mobo.|||Your best bet, a GTX 285
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