I am not sure I understand what video cards exactly do for video quality.
For example, what are the benefits of having HDMI as opposed to VGA? Both seemingly produce the same results. Is this for increased resolution capability or something? Such as dual-monitor support? And video cards in general, when you buy a new one with more GB devoted to video, does that only improve the capability to display a video? Like in today's video games? Also, would a better video card allow for better video playing (i.e. no skips, lagging (after streaming), or pauses)? Sorry that this is a bulky set of questions!|||Video cards are dedicated processors for graphics. So yes, the better the video card, the better output possible - meaning better games (with higher resolution and higher refresh rate). Of course, you can have the best video card in the world, but if you have a mediocre screen - then what you see is the mediocre screen.
HDMI is capable of transferring more information than VGA - so if you have a larger, higher resolution screen, HDMI would result in better images (also, it carries audio along with it, so if you were to connect your computer to your TV, you would have audio with the HDMI cable whereas you would need another cable if you were using VGA).|||HDMI and VGA result in differences in picture quality and only in picture quality. So this is not only just resolution, but also lighting, shading, tone, etc. Both can carry out the same functions as the other, so if there is support for dual monitors in VGA, there is support for HDMI. (Because honestly, the only real difference is the output and input lines, system is the same)
Video cards with memory:
It's better to get cards with more memory. Basically a video card with memory is analogous to a computer with ram, it needs to process information and it does this by storing information. So the more memory you have, the easier time, your video card will have, this is true as to why video cards with more memory will have less lag and yes, better capability to display videos. Sometimes however, the graphical intensity is minimal that for many applications, graphics cards operate at the same rate and people go overkill with their purchase. If money is a concern, it's really a matter of what you need.|||hdmi is high def and really is not use unless you have allot of $$ or watching movies in my opinion at this time its useless mostly you want dvi with dual monitor card sup and what is more important is the fps(frames per sec) that a card can do the faster the better just to simplify just becAUSE YOU HAVE A GOOD CARD DON'T MEAN YOUR COMPUTER CAN KEEP UP. ram processor etc all play a role even your mother board and hard drive
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