Monday, May 7, 2012

Video cards?

yea i have a dell dimension 2400 and its video card is built into the memory. now i own rome total war and it runs fine but i downloaded medieval total war 2 demo and it says it needs a video card that supports shader 1 and the only upgrade video card wise on my comp is a pci video card. do you guys know any pci cards that support shader 1 and also if a demo works on your comp does that mean the actual game should as well?|||You're in a tough spot only being able to use a PCI (not PCIe or AGP) card. There are only about 3-4 cards left that are even semi decent. Either an NVIDA FX5200 pr ATI 9250 will have to do and both will use SM1-2 (but not SM3) and only the FX5200 will do DX9 - but it's better than IGP =). I would get the FX5200 -- or if you can find an 6800NU (non ultra) I would grab that because that one will do SM3 but it's very hard to find in stock anywhere. Again I would just nab the FX5200 it should be a good match for your system.……|||Skip looking for shader one and 6000's series nvidia card with 256 megs of ram best buy or staples have them for about $50 Plus it will allow you computer to use all you ram with out sharing. I have a 5200 nvidia with is slower but Haven't found a game that doesn't work on it.|||The only way to get a better shader is to buy a whole video card. Nowadays one's ith 2.0 shader should cost around $60.00.

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