Monday, May 7, 2012

Question about video cards?

My new video card requires a minimum of 350 watts, but my Power supply only gives 300 watts. Do you think a Power supply that gives less wattage than the recommended for my vid card could cause graphical glitches/artifacts to appear in my games?

It's what the computer technician/repairman from the store told me.|||This is probably true, since your power supply is not giving enough power to your video card to run the card might not even work and your computer could become unstable. Try to upgrade your power supply, it's not that expensive.|||It can spontaneous reboots. It's amazing the number of systems out there with underpowered wattage.

If you start crashing, that may be one reason. Or if you're trying to run too many things at once, DVD, TV card, etc. that's going to stress your power system. Remember, those USB things draw power from the computer, some more than others.

It's not much of a problem to replace the power system of the computer. You just have to be able to get in there and take it apart. A 500 watt power supply would probably be what you need and expect to pay 50 to 100 bucks for it.|||You should upgrade your power supply .

The video card will put a strain ot it, and yes- it will probably cause graphics corruption. It might run undervoltage and cause your video card to overheat and fail. It's like running your gasoline car on bad gas or diesel.

Eventually your power supply will give out and possibly cause other internal component damage too.|||Yea, it is very possible. If your graphical card is sucking up a lot of juice, it could cause the whole system to have problems. That would mean your whole system, including your CPU might be straining because of the tax on the power supply. 350 watt power supplies are cheap these days. I would certainly invest in one, maybe even a 400-450 if you got the extra $$$$. IMO, Antec makes some really quality power supplies. Save your system before things get worse.|||It'll either cause graphical glitches, or just crash your computer entirely if the card tries to draw too much power. Get a 400W power supply online for like $50. It'll save you some hassle later.|||erm yeah dude it will cause that as there wont be enough power to run it properly, and you will more than likley blow your power supply in a few weeks aswell.

its not worth it as when it goes it could take the mobo and card with it

kenny|||oh yeah its possible but your only talkin about an extra 50 watts i would keep an eye on the temp if you try to run it but i would go with a bigger power supply and not worry about it few more bucks might just save you a computer

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