Friday, May 4, 2012

Are my laptop video cards dead?

My video cards for my laptop has been having problems lately, now they work with the computer i can type and web browse and everything but once it gets to actually executing programs or playing games with any kind of graphics it shuts off, are the 100% done with? is it my cards? let me know|||Without knowing the make and model of your laptop, and thus knowing roughly how old the unit is, it is hard to say what your issue is.

Could it be a problem with your video card? It is possible, but not probable. Especially since you say that when you execute programs other than a web browser *OR* playing games. That seems to indicate that your issue is more one of overheating.

Over time dust, dirt, and debris is drawn up through the cooling intake and fan at the bottom of your laptop, and blown through the cooling channel across the heat sink, and out the exhaust port at the back or side of your laptop. You can see the heat sink when you look in the exhaust port... those copper vertical fins. Well, a little of the dust, dirt, and debris gathers on the leading edge of those fins, between the fan and the fins. As some gathers, it acts like a filter and catches more dust, dirt, and debris... and eventually forms a layer like a piece of felt. If you don't think this would be important, think about how much lint gathers in the lint trap of a laundry dryer after only an HOUR of use. Starting to get the picture? It takes between 6 months to a year to gather enough material to start reducing the efficiency of your cooling system. At that point, whenever you make your laptop work hard (games, programs that require lots of CPU power, etc) the processor and graphics subsystem generate more heat. Unfortunately, with that layer of material blocking the air from passing over the heat sink, you can't shed the heat, and the laptop shuts down due to overheating.

Take the laptop to a computer repair shop. Have them disassemble it and clean out that dust layer.

end of line|||Sounds like a problem with Memory. The video card typically uses system memory. You might need to add more memory to your PC

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